Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We have to use the internet in the lobby of the place we are staying, so we cannot post pictures yet. They are going to get the wireless working in the next couple of days, so hopefully there will be pictures soon.

So far we have been to 1 game (Portugal vs. North Korea) which ended up with the most goals in the Cup so far. We had tickets on the 13th row and we decided to never miss another Cup after this one... It was awesome... Most ridiculous shirt of the game "Don't blame me... I voted for Kim Jong Ill" HAHA!

We just booked a swim with the Great Whites (in a cage) and are also planning on sky diving, Cape of Good Hope, and if we get lucky a safari.

We are about to head to Cable Mountain that overlooks all of Cape Town. They have massive spotlights on the mountain at night so you can always see them in the background... Hopefully pictures will follow soon.

1 comment:

  1. Jon,

    Step up the blog. This blog is pretty lame. We need more details. I could give better highlights watching sportscenter.

